Carpool to Work Program
Best for those who have someone willing to share the commute into downtown Minneapolis.
Join our green commuting effort and apply for discount carpool parking through the City of Minneapolis’ Carpool to Work program.
As low as $20 a month and $5 a day!
What you’ll need to apply:
All carpool members’ contact information (minimum of two people required). The person who applies for your contract and enters their email address below will be the primary contract holder, responsible for renewing your contract and paying for parking. Parking rates will vary depending on the ramp you choose.
Contact information for the company/school to which each carpool member commutes
Vehicle make, model, year, and license plate number
Carpool arrival and departure times
Chosen parking ramp, see map for locations
Applicants need to show or provide an image of their driver’s license and proof of residency (rent/mortgage statement, or utility bill with current address)
Who is eligible and Does it matter where I travel from in the morning??
With the Carpool to Work program, you must live and travel from outside of the downtown core as shown on the map below. You must live North of the River or Plymouth Ave N, East of 35W, and South and West of 94.
Must live outside the yellow area on the map to qualify to carpool. Carpool lanes are monitored for vehicle occupancy.

Carpooling comes with perks!
Monthly carpool contract holders get access to preferred parking spaces next to the elevator lobbies.
Free use of MnPASS Express Lanes for a faster commute into the city.
Free downtown zone-only bus and light rail rides with complimentary Ramp and Ride GoTo card to get to your end destination quickly. Pick up your GoTo card at Move Minneapolis.
Guaranteed Ride Home is available when an emergency happens and you have to leave before the rest of your carpool. Use this up to four times a year or $100 in value, whichever comes first. Sign up by visiting
If you have to drive alone one day, just pay the regular early bird rate for single-occupant drivers. Or try other travel options.
Skyway connectivity.